Sunday, October 9, 2011

October 10-14

Thanks to the Pep Band for a great showing last Friday!  It seems like the pizza worked out well last week, so we will do the same thing this week- $5 and you get pizza and waters at the game.  This week there will again be activities after school for the members of the Pep Band.  Otherwise, the call time is again 6:00 for the game this Friday.

Have you paid your tour deposit?  Many who plan to go on our 2012 Tour have not turned in the deposit!  You MUST get your deposit turned in and your tour contract ASAP!  If you have questions, contact me directly after you check out the Tour 2012 page.

Jazz Band will participate in the West Valley Jazz festival with special guest Gordon Goodwin on Friday, November 4.  Details are TBA, but we will need several parent drivers who can get their PHS driver paperwork into the office and drive us that day.  Click here for more info about the parent driver/ volunteer driver forms.  Ideally, we will be able to perform for Castillero in the morning for a recruitment visit before going to West Valley for our festival performance.  Also, for students who requested tickets to the Gordon Goodwin concert that night, those are $5 each and I'll get those to you as soon as I get them.

I have updated the Live Music page with many performances that are coming up during the month of October.  If you get your review done early, turn in your form so I can grade it and you are done for the semester.  If you have to do an extra review as a make up assignment, make sure you plan to attend multiple performances!