Friday, September 30, 2011

Jazz Band Gig 10/2

Info- 1:30 call time at PHS in new band polo and jeans.  Students will load equipment and then travel to Santa Teresa Church (on the corner of Cahalan and Calero, behind the fire station).  We will arrive at the church at about 2 and set up on the stage at 2:15.  Our set is from 2:30-3:15.  Following the set, students will load our gear back into the van.  Food will be provided for us and we will eat after we load up the gear.  After that, we will head back to PHS to unload (about 4:00).  If you have any questions on the day of the event, contact me on my cell phone.

Contract and Deposit Now Due!

All three groups are confirmed for the trip!  For more info, click over to the Tour 2012 page.  Don't forget that your deposit and tour contract are due Monday!  All students were given an account statement this week showing a current balance.  Students with a positive balance may use that for their deposit, but must turn in the contract and write on the contract to use that amount for the deposit.  Students with under $100 credit still need to turn in a payment for the balance due.  Did your student not bring home a statement?  Let me know by email chris _ mccoy [at] sjusd [dot] org and I can email you a PDF copy.  I am also looking for a couple of additional band parents to chaperone.  If you are interested, contact me or return a contract this week.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Thank you to Mr. Bill Connor, grandfather of Wind Ensemble horn player Brian Hubbard.  Mr. Connor owned a music shop for nearly 30 years, but closed his doors many years ago.  In the meantime, he has been storing a treasure trove of instruments which he has generously donated to us.  Over the next few weeks, I will be working to get some of these into playable or salable condition.  Thank you, Mr. Connor!  Do you have unused instruments in your home?  If you donate them to us, we can put them directly to work either in the hands of students or by using the profits from the sale to restore other instruments in our inventory.  Just like with cash donations, donations of property (including instruments) are tax deductible.

There are about 30 students who have not returned the tour survey (Wind Ensemble, Orchestra or Jazz) which was due this past Friday.  This must be returned so that I can continue to confirm details of our February trip to Anaheim.  The details as they stand are on the Tour 2012 page.  Jazz Band students are confirmed for the trip, but until I get more RSVP's back from Orchestra and Wind Ensemble, I can't be sure.  Once each group is confirmed, I will remind students to begin to turn in their trip contract forms along with their deposits.

This week, I will distribute to all students account statements.  These will reflect any positive carry-over from last year as well as any fundraising, costs and payments made thus far this year.  If your student does not bring this home, please contact me and I can email you the same as a PDF file.

Now is a great time to plan to attend a live concert!  Most ensembles- including high schools, colleges and community ensembles will have a concert in October.  Complete requirements for the Live Review, as well as links to several local ensembles and schools are on the Live Music section of my blog.  Please plan ahead!

We will have had a month off of football, but Pep Band resumes in earnest in October with games on the 7th, 14th and 28.  Please remember that these are required performances for all students in Concert Band, Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band.  Our new polo shirts and jackets will arrive this week.  If you've not yet paid for your order, please do so now.  You can refer to your account statement if you don't remember.

Jazz Band has been requested to perform on Sunday, October 2 from about 2-4 at a carnival at Santa Teresa Church on Calero at Cahalan.  We will meet at PHS at 1:30 to load our gear.  We will unload and set up on stage at 2:25 and perform from about 2:30-3:15.  Students will get free food at the festival.  This is not part of the church's regular religious functions.  Students who are unable to help with set up will help us return the equipment to PHS after the gig.  Students must let me know any schedule concerns or conflicts not later than Monday!

Also for Jazz Band, we will need parent drivers on Friday, November 4 for our performance at West Valley College.  More details are TBA, but if you are able to drive us that day, please contact me and get your paperwork into the office ASAP.  Questions? Let me know.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

September 19-23

Thank you to the members of the Pep Band who performed at the grand opening ceremony on Saturday morning at Orchard!  Your brief performance earned the program a $250 donation!  Thanks also to Alfonso Carrillo for driving our equipment from PHS to Orchard!  We couldn't have a successful program without supportive parents.

Our Entertainment Book sale is now over.  Books can no longer be returned, but you can still sell outstanding books and get credit for the profit.  Sold or not, however, the $30 per book is now due.

Tour 2012 survey and information will be sent home with each student in Wind Ensemble, Jazz Band and Orchestra on Monday.  The survey is due back not later than Friday.  We cannot proceed with planning until we have a more accurate count of students and parents who wish to participate.  You can get the survey here (1/2 sheet, due Friday) or the information sheet here. (due with deposit on 10/3) Click on my Tour 2012 page for more details and updated info throughout the year.

The first grading period ends this Friday, 9/23.  Please check all grades and submit all missing work for my review.  Grades are in progress until Friday, but if you have a question, don't hesitate to contact me for clarification as I'll be entering quite a few grades this week.

A word on donations and payments-  A big THANK YOU to the families who have made donations this year.  We have collected roughly $1,500 already this year!  We do ask for $50 for those who use a school instrument, and with well over 100 students using school instruments, we have a long way to go to meet our $5,000 goal.  All donations go right into making this a successful program; from the music we perform to the instruments we purchase and maintain to the scholarships we provide and the events in which we participate- none of it would be possible without those who support us!  THANK YOU!
Checks can be made to "Pioneer Performing Arts" and all donations are tax deductible.  Every student who makes a payment at any point in the year gets a receipt from me and those which are deductible say "donation" on the memo line.  Please make sure your students give you those receipts when you send money.  Also, I will be sending home accounting sheets this week for each student showing all transactions which have already occurred this year.  Be sure to ask your student about this later this week.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 12-16

Entertainment Books are DUE MONDAY!  All money (checks made payable to "Pioneer Performing Arts") or unsold books must be returned!  Refer to the Entertainment Books posting for more info.

This Saturday, Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band will perform at the Grand Opening Celebration for the new Orchard store on Blossom Hill/ Meridian.  Students meet at PHS at 8:00.  We will walk over to Orchard shortly after that and we will perform there from about 9:15-9:45.  Following our performance, I will return to PHS and students may drop off their equipment at that time.  Students who do not return to PHS may bring their equipment back Monday morning.  Students should wear the same pep band attire as at the football game on 9/2.  This is a graded performance- students who miss must have a signed note from home stating the reasons for missing.  Students will be given an alternate assignment to make up credit.

It was good to see so many parents at Back-to-School night last week!  If you missed any of the information, remember that the most important thing is to check this site regularly as just about all of the things going on in class go up here in my announcements first!  If you have any further questions, you can reach me by email- chris _ mccoy [at] sjusd [dot] org.  I will be sending out information for Booster meetings and other ways for parents to be involved over this year.  If you do not get an email from me by the end of this week, let me know so that I can be sure to add your address to my list.

This week I will survey Orchestra, Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band regarding our February performance trip to Anaheim.  I need a commitment from families for payment and fundraising and scheduling before I give our final confirmation to travel.  In order for us to have a successful trip, we need the highest participation possible for each ensemble.  For more info, click on the Tour 2012 link here or at the top of the page.

Monday, September 5, 2011

September 6-9

Great job to the Pep Band for their performance at the first game of the season!  We had a great time and there is nothing like a Friday night football game to kick off a long weekend.  I hope everyone enjoyed their day off.

Here is what's coming up this week-
Boys who need all or part of a tux will be measured on Wednesday in class.  Unfortunately, the price for the tuxedo has gone up to $140 this year, but it will be a new tux rather than a previously rented tux.  I will be distributing forms Monday for each student to indicate what parts (or all) of the tux he needs.

Back-to-School night is Thursday!  Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band will perform in the quad before the classes start.  Their call time is 5:30 and they will be done by 6:00, before parents begin first period.  Students should wear the same things they wore at the football game.  Be sure to attend and find out what's going on in your student's class and how you can support your student!

All beginning band students have been assigned their instrument for this year.  Students should make arrangements to purchase the other accessories that go with their instrument, as I indicated on the information sheet I gave out last week.

Keep selling Entertainment Books!  Students can earn $10-$13 per book depending on our overall sales volume.  Get more info here.

Next week, Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band will have a similar performance for the Grand Opening of Orchard at Blossom Hill and Meridian.  The performance is Saturday the 17th from 8:00-11:00.  We will meet at the school, walk down to Orchard where we'll perform for about 30 minutes then drop our things off back at the school.  As part of our performance, Orchard will make a donation to our program!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Back to School Night

The Pep Band has been asked to perform as part of Back to School night next week on Thursday, September 8.  Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band students have a 5:30 call time, will perform from 5:45-5:55 and then we'll be done.  Students with already existing conflicts are excused, but students able to play will earn extra performance credit!  Students should wear their old polo if possible or some Pioneer blue.

Entertainment Books

We are in the midst of our first fundraiser of the year!  All students in all classes have been given 2 Entertainment Books (coupon/ discount books) to sell.  Books sell for $30 and can be paid in cash or check to "Pioneer Performing Arts."  Students who wish to sell more can bring in money from what they have already sold and request more.  If every student sells just 3 books, we will earn nearly $8,000 for the program!  I direct most of the profit from each sale to the student who sells the books as an incentive.  A small portion of the profits are kept for the program as a whole.

Do you want to sell books to friends and family outside our area?  Log on to the Entertainment sellers section and follow the prompts and enter our account #10061901.  You are creating a solicitation email to your friends and family who can buy an Entertainment Book for their local area and the profits go to our fundraising program!

All students will receive one FREE book for each five sold.  Students can earn an unlimited number of free books (which can then be sold...)

Also, the Entertainment Books go on sale at Costco later this fall for $35- so you are getting a great deal and supporting a great program!

All money or unsold books are due on MONDAY SEPTEMBER 12!  Yes, books may be returned in good condition (no missing coupons!) if you are unable to sell them.