Monday, October 31, 2011

October 31- November 4

What an incredible concert last week!  Great job to those who performed and thanks to the parents who helped- we wouldn't have a successful program without everyone working to row the ship.

West Valley Jazz Festival this Friday!  Jazz Band will miss periods 1-4 on Friday for the festival.  Students will report in uniform to room 107 at the start of first period.  Parent drivers need to be in the front loop at 7:35 (to allow the before school traffic to clear) and we will leave by 7:45.  We will warm up at about 8:30, perform at 9:00, clinic immediately following, watch a bit then return to PHS for 4th period (by 10:35).  The following parents are going to drive- Carrillo, Grimaud, Higa, Smith & Kanga.

Our fall fundraiser kicks off this week!  We will again use the We Care Coffee Company to provide our group with the highest quality local coffee and food products.  There will be two main options that students have to earn money- traditional and online.  The traditional sale (grab bags) is the highest profit and works great for selling locally.  Students request a grab bag and sell all the items (6 bags of coffee, 2 bags of cocoa and 2 bags of cookie dough mix) for a set profit of 50%.  There is also a mini grab bag which includes only 2 coffees and 2 cocoas for 48% profit.  This form has all the info about the grab bag sale- return this form to participate.  The online store features a bigger catalog of items for purchase and can be shipped across the country.  The online store is live now and can be promoted here!

Our Veteran's Day Tribute performance is next week!  Wind Ensemble will have a required rehearsal with the choir Monday 11/7 during S period as well as a staging rehearsal Wednesday after school which will be required for students not in an in season PHS athletic practice or class.  The call time for performers will be about 6:00 (TBD).  If you plan to attend the program, you will want to arrive early as seating is expected to be at capacity- the concert will begin at 7:00.  Please take time to share the facebook event page with those who may be interested in our performance.

The second grading period has closed.  All grades will be posted by Tuesday after school.  If you find that you are still missing assignments or have excessive absences, come in so that you can make them up!  There are many students who are missing one (or more) assignment(s) and their grade has dropped because of it- don't let this happen to you!