Audition Info

2013-14 Ensemble Information

New Course Schedule and Info for the 2013-14 School year-
I am very excited to announce that we will be able to offer two sections of string orchestra! I don't know what course will be what period yet, but here are our course offerings; Intermezzo Orchestra, Advanced Orchestra, Beginning Band, Concert Band, Wind Ensemble & Jazz Band. Due to the extra class and some scheduling and funding challenges, we are going to be creative with our Jazz Band this year. Jazz Band will remain a regular performing ensemble and a regular course with school credit. New this year, though, all members of Jazz Band will be required to be a part of Wind Ensemble or Orchestra. All fundamental musical and ensemble skills are developed in these large ensembles. Jazz Band will meet outside the school day (tentatively on Monday afternoon S Period and a couple hours Thursday evenings- to avoid conflicts with sports/ activities). This will give the Jazz Band tremendous freedoms we do not currently enjoy during the regular school day. For example, all music fundamentals, assignments and participation will be a part of the large ensemble allowing us to focus exclusively on the literature we are working on and the performances we have scheduled. This also allows students to develop secondary instruments, or more fully develop their skills on their primary instruments which benefits not only each individual, but each ensemble as well. If you are planning to play in Jazz Band and not on one of the lists, contact me so that I can arrange for you to be enrolled in a primary ensemble during the day.

I will not be posting the Jazz Band list just yet. If you are in one of the large ensembles and would like to be a part of Jazz Band, make sure that you have auditioned for me (if you haven't yet) or that you contact me soon so that I can make those arrangements. If you signed up for a band or orchestra class or auditioned for me and don't see your name on one of the following lists, please contact me ASAP! With over 150 names, there is bound to be a mistake or two in these postings. Please know I mean no offense by my mistakes. It may be possible to make changes to the ensembles

Intermezzo Orchestra
String Orchestra
Concert Band
Wind Ensemble

For questions or clarification, please do not hesitate to email me-
chris _ mccoy at sjusd . org
mccoysmusic at gmail . com