Sunday, September 26, 2010

September 27- October 1

Can you believe it's October this week?  With six weeks down, each ensemble has made great progress and most students should have several pieces of music in their folder that they are practicing.  While I don't require a practice card, I do expect that students will practice a minimum of 30 minutes five times a week.  Students who need extra help can come in before or after school and I will be happy to help them with whatever they need.  Parents, you can be a great help by making sure your student is practicing outside of class time.

Just a reminder that the tour details are online as well as the tour contract.  It is due when we return from furlough, but it would help out greatly if you could turn it in this week.  Get the info here.

In the ongoing saga of performing attire, boys who were measured in the first round (most of Wind Ensemble and Concert Band) will receive their tuxedos at the end of this week!  Orchestra and those who were measured later will receive theirs after the furlough.  Again, families will pay Selix Formalwear directly $120 for a tux or $125 with shoes.  Students who requested only specific pieces will pay for those as agreed.  Girls will be measured for their dresses this week.  The dress will be $59 plus taxes or shipping, as necessary.  We will pay for the dresses in one invoice and students will pay the Music/ Drama Boosters upon delivery.

We will have our next Music/ Drama Boosters meeting on Thursday, October 14.  Our general meeting will take place at 6:00 in the faculty dining room (to the left of the PAC).  This will be followed by a PTSA meeting at 7.  As soon as that is over, we will have our first Big Band Dance planning meeting of the year.  Many of you indicated that you want to help and be involved- this is the way to do it!  It seems like a long night, but we'll have a good time together and it's better than multiple nights out.  Many hands make light work.  I look forward to seeing you there!

On Wednesday, November 10 at 7:00, the Pioneer Performing Arts department will present our annual Veterans' Day tribute.  This year we will feature Wind Ensemble, Jazz Band, Orchestra, Choirs and selected readings performed by drama students.  Be sure to invite friends and family members who have served or currently serve.

I will be assigning ensemble seating this week.  While I do not do challenges for seating, I do change seating at times and for various pieces.  The most important thing that I consider as I place students is their ability and the balance of the section.  There will be playing tests throughout the semester and some of those may result in seating changes, but others may not.  All students must remember that none of us is better than any part of piece of music which I we will play.  We are all in music first and foremost to make great music.

Next week is furlough week.  More info is here from SJUSD Superintendent Dr. Matthews.

On a personal note, my wife and I are expecting our second child on October 3.  As you know, he could come later tonight, or in three weeks.  In the event I miss class, students will still be expected to work on their music.  I will try to post something to let everyone know, but that may not be among the first things I think of as we head to the hospital.  I thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

September 20-24

Pep Band kicked off the season with a great showing at Friday's game against Terra Nova High School.  The band had a great time and provided some great music through the evening.  If you missed us, make sure to catch our next performance at the next Pioneer home football game on Friday, October 15.  If you have pictures or video to share- jump to the Pioneer Band and Orchestra Facebook page and post them there!

All grades on the PIV accurately reflect the first grading period.  If you have questions about individual grades, please contact me.  Regarding participation, students with excused absences can make up their missed points with 30 minutes of practice time for each day missed before school (6:45-7:15) or after school (after 6th or 7th).  There will still be a lower grade for the week where participation was missed, but the week where the student does the makeup will show the extra points. Students who miss on a Friday must make up their listening assignment the week they return.  Failure to complete makeup work promptly may result in a deduction for doing the work late.

Boys in Orchestra will be measured for tuxes on Tuesday.  This is also the day that any boys in band must be measured.  Please remember that students must pay for tuxes upon delivery- $120/ $125 with shoes to Selix Formalwear.  I will let you know when the tuxes will be delivered.  Jazz Band boys will get their ties this week and will need to pay $20 to the Pioneer Music/ Drama Boosters.

We have set the price and a preliminary itinerary for our Spring Tour 2011.  Wind Ensemble, Jazz Band, Orchestra and Advanced Choir will travel April 8-11, 2011 (Friday- Monday).  Student price will be $500 and chaperone price will be $425.  Some of you may see this price as higher than in previous years and that is largely due to increased transportation costs.  Please check out the Tour 2011 page for complete details!

This week, all Pep Band ensembles will be back to performing regular ensemble literature.  Please make sure you have all of your music together in a binder or folder and a pencil with you every day!  We will get some more music next week and spend a few days reviewing football music then.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Our first football game is tomorrow night, September 17!  The game has been pushed back to 7:30, so I am setting the call time at 6:30 dressed and ready to perform in the band room.  With the delayed start time, the game is likely to last until about 9:30.  Come out to support the band and Mustang football!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

September 13-17

Let's get ready for football!  Pep Band (Concert Band, Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band) will be performing at Friday night's game.  Call time for students will be about 5:30-6:00 (I'll send out more info when it's set).  The game kicks off at 7 and usually goes till about 9-9:30.  The room will be open for students after school.  I know that this is a change of plans, and some families may have made arrangements which cannot be changed.  If this is the case, please email me ASAP so that I can excuse your student.  For the rest of the regularly scheduled games, the only excuse from football is a school required game or performance.  There is no excused absence from any of our 'formal' performances.  I'll be distributing music this week in flip folders, but students will need to purchase a lyre for their instrument.  These can be found at most music shops.  Student will need their PHS Band polo and/ hooded sweatshirt.  Students who ordered these must pay for them before I pass them out- $15/ polo and $25/ hoodie.  Checks should be made out to "Pioneer Music/ Drama Boosters."  Cash is also acceptable.  Please ask your student to keep all receipts!

Financial reminder- Several families have asked for clarifications about costs and donations.  There are several items for which I solicit donations.  I ask that all students who use a school instrument, including percussionists make a $50 Instrument Donation.  I also ask that all students in Concert Band, Wind Ensemble, Jazz Band and Orchestra make a $25 Festival donation.  This helps offset the cost of attendance and transportation at CMEA and other smaller music festivals (excluding our spring tour).  These are both donations, and while not required, your support is integral to the success of the program.  Then there are costs like performing attire.  The football polo ($15) and hooded sweatshirt ($25) are required and students who ordered them must pay for them this week.  Dresses for the girls will cost $60-$80 (pending final taxes and shipping).  Tuxedos will cost $120 ($125 w/ shoes).  All payments can be by cash or check (to "Pioneer Music/ Drama Boosters") and will get a receipt.  The only exception is the tux which will be paid directly to Selix Formalwear.  There will be several fundraising opportunities this year to help those with financial need.  If your family needs extra help, let me know so that we can develop a plan that works for your family.

This week wraps up the end of the first grading period.  Remember that student grades at this point are based on participation and written work.  There may also be one playing test grade entered, which will be in the performance category.  Jazz Band has completed scale tests, Wind Ensemble & Orchestra will complete scale tests this week and Beginning Band will be tested on line #12.  The key to success is to show up, be on task in rehearsal and do the listening.

At Back-to-School Night, I mentioned that we needed parent involvement with the Music/ Drama Boosters.  Our next meeting is October 14.  Many of you indicated interest, please send along your information to me so that I can contact you directly with important info.  Remember, we are looking for leaders and workers; people who can lead projects as well as those who are willing to work on various projects.  Note that I've put a boosters page on my blog to host information for anyone interested.  Please note the eScrip information as well- that is the easiest way you can help!

Monday, September 6, 2010

September 7-10

I hope that you had a good time this extended weekend with family and friends. We have a short week, but still plenty going on in the Pioneer Bands & Orchestra!

It was exciting to see so many of you on Thursday night at Back-to-School night!  I hope that I was able to share some of my vision and excitement for the year and the future of the program.  If you have questions resulting in the information I presented, or anything else related to the classes, please contact me.  I do want to highlight two things- first, we are looking for parents to be involved in many different capacities with the music boosters.  Please let me know if you are able to help in this way.  Second, we cannot function without your financial support.  We are looking to make up a $6,500 donation gap for the purchase of our orchestra instruments.  All donations to the Pioneer Music/ Drama Boosters are fully tax deductible as we are a 501(c)3 non-profit.  Please consider a donation in support of your child's music education.

Tuesday the boys in Orchestra will be fitted for their tuxes.  All boys in band who missed their fitting last week must attend.  Tuxes will cost $120 or an extra $5 for boys who need their shoes.  A reminder that Jazz Band boys will need their tux and a black dress shirt.  We have ordered ties which will come in at a cost of $20 each.  Ties will be purchased directly from the band.

Students in Wind Ensemble & Orchestra should have a 3-ring binder to keep all their music in.  I have already handed out several pieces, and this week will continue to do so.  It is imperative that all students have all the music so that they will be able to practice outside of class time.  Students will also begin to look at some of the music for football games this week and will need a lyre and flip folder for their instrument if they do not already have one.  These can be purchased from any of the local music shops.

Polo shirts and hoodies are ordered and will be delivered this week!  Students will need to pay $15 for the polo and $25 for the hoodie before they receive them.  Students who plan to use fund raising or need extra help with these costs need to let me know ASAP.

Did you know? Pioneer Music/ Drama Boosters works with eScrip?  This is a FREE and EASY way for you to support our work by registering your Safeway club card and other cards as you see fit.  It costs you NOTHING as companies donate a portion of your purchase to eScrip who then gives money to participating organizations, like the Pioneer Music/ Drama Boosters.  Visit the eScrip website for more info and to sign up.  We are group #154010291.  You can also fill out a paper registration form here (pdf).

Finally, please check the PIV.  I am working to keep grades as accurate as possible.  FYI, blank grades are assignments I've not completed, "Z" grades are items not submitted by the student and any grade with a number is the grade the student earned.  For participation scores, absences may create a low grade one week, but when the student does his or her make-up time, the grade that week will be higher.  If you notice something that you don't understand regarding grades, please let me know so that we can work out any questions promptly.