Sunday, September 18, 2011

September 19-23

Thank you to the members of the Pep Band who performed at the grand opening ceremony on Saturday morning at Orchard!  Your brief performance earned the program a $250 donation!  Thanks also to Alfonso Carrillo for driving our equipment from PHS to Orchard!  We couldn't have a successful program without supportive parents.

Our Entertainment Book sale is now over.  Books can no longer be returned, but you can still sell outstanding books and get credit for the profit.  Sold or not, however, the $30 per book is now due.

Tour 2012 survey and information will be sent home with each student in Wind Ensemble, Jazz Band and Orchestra on Monday.  The survey is due back not later than Friday.  We cannot proceed with planning until we have a more accurate count of students and parents who wish to participate.  You can get the survey here (1/2 sheet, due Friday) or the information sheet here. (due with deposit on 10/3) Click on my Tour 2012 page for more details and updated info throughout the year.

The first grading period ends this Friday, 9/23.  Please check all grades and submit all missing work for my review.  Grades are in progress until Friday, but if you have a question, don't hesitate to contact me for clarification as I'll be entering quite a few grades this week.

A word on donations and payments-  A big THANK YOU to the families who have made donations this year.  We have collected roughly $1,500 already this year!  We do ask for $50 for those who use a school instrument, and with well over 100 students using school instruments, we have a long way to go to meet our $5,000 goal.  All donations go right into making this a successful program; from the music we perform to the instruments we purchase and maintain to the scholarships we provide and the events in which we participate- none of it would be possible without those who support us!  THANK YOU!
Checks can be made to "Pioneer Performing Arts" and all donations are tax deductible.  Every student who makes a payment at any point in the year gets a receipt from me and those which are deductible say "donation" on the memo line.  Please make sure your students give you those receipts when you send money.  Also, I will be sending home accounting sheets this week for each student showing all transactions which have already occurred this year.  Be sure to ask your student about this later this week.