Sunday, May 1, 2011

May 2-6

CMEA festivals are this week!  These are the most significant musical performances of the year, and students have an opportunity to demonstrate the best of what they have achieved this year.

CMEA Wind Ensemble and Concert Band festival is Friday, May 6.  Students will meet in the band room by 5:15 dressed in their performing attire, ready to go.  The only students who will not ride the bus are the several students at swimming league finals who have already made arrangements to get to Gilroy HS separately.  After the performances, all students will ride back to PHS on the buses at about 11:15.  There will be a snack bar there if students choose to buy dinner, but students are encouraged to eat before we leave PHS.  I do need one parent to drive to Gilroy as we may not have enough under bus storage for some of our equipment.  If you have an SUV or van, and are able to drive, please let me know.  You do not need a driver form as you will not be driving students.

CMEA Orchestra festival is Saturday, May 7 at Independence HS.  We do not have a bus, so we will travel by carpool to the performance.  We will meet at PHS at 9:30, and depart shortly after that.  We will be finished there by about 12:15 and return to PHS at that time.  We will need 8-12 parent drivers.  If you have turned in driver forms, you are good to go, if you need driver forms, I can send them home with your student.  We need as many drivers as possible with vans and SUV's so that we have seats for students and space for instruments.

Students who did not turn in their Simply Delicious fundraiser order and money need to do so Monday!  All items will be dropped of at PHS on Friday, May 20 for delivery.  Items will be frozen and will need to be delivered promptly on that Friday afternoon.

Reminder that several students and parents are signed up to work at the Music in the Parks festival at the Santa Cruz Boardwalk on Saturday May 7 and the 14.  Those workers who are confirmed must show up for their assigned date according to the details that I'll provide for each weekend.  I do still need one more parent for Saturday, May 7.  If you have questions about this, contact me.  I will provide the final details for this weekend in the next few days.

Our end of the year concerts are May 18 and 19.  Beginning Band, Concert Band and Wind Ensemble will perform Wednesday the 18th while Jazz Band, String Orchestra and full orchestra will perform on Thursday the 19th.  Make sure you make arrangements to attend these performances and bring friends and family!  Concerts will be at 7:00 in the PAC and admission will be free, though we will be collecting donations.

Auditions for the 2011-12 school year are complete.  If you or someone you know was unable to attend these auditions for any reason, please contact me and I will arrange a time for you to play for me.  You can expect ensemble lists to be posted on Friday, May 13.  Any musician who is new to the program and does not complete an audition will be placed in Beginning Band until I can asses his playing level.