Monday, February 7, 2011

February 7-11

Thanks to all who came out and supported us at the 16th Annual Big Band Dance!  The students did a great job, the desserts were great and we had some very active items in our silent auction.  Thanks to Beth Linvill and all of the parents on her team, without whose work this event would not have happened!

The final payment for our LA Tour is due on Friday, February 11.  Students who have not participated in any fundraising and have made their payments ($250 so far) will owe $250.  Those who participated in various fundraising opportunities will owe less than that.  Once we get our final count from the BBD Raffle this week, I will send account statements home with students.  As always, parents are welcome to email me and ask about any funds that they owe.

42nd Street Pit Orchestra will rehearse Monday and Thursday this week from 7-9.  All participating students should be working on their music regularly outside of rehearsal time.  Students who need a copy of the recordings should bring in a blank CD or flash drive so that I can make those available.

This week will mark the end of the first grading period using our new Infinite Campus gradebook system.  I hope that as I work through the grades this week, they will accurately reflect the work each individual student has completed to this point.  If you have questions about your grade, please let me know at the end of the week so that I can check it out for you.  Remember that this is a progress report and does impact athletic eligibility, but does not stay on transcripts.