Monday, September 10, 2012

CMEA Festivals

Jazz Band, Wind Ensemble, Concert Band and Orchestra will all be participating in CMEA Ensemble Festivals next semester.  The dates have been added to our 2012-13 Calendar page, but are as follows;

CMEA Jazz Festival
Saturday, February 2 at Santa Teresa HS.  Morning, TBA

CMEA Bands
Friday, May 3 at Gilroy HS (transportation to be provided).  Evening, TBA

CMEA Orchestra
Saturday, May 4 at Independence HS. Morning, TBA

All dates are confirmed, but the times will not be set until about a month or so before each event.  Please be aware that these are required performances and are the most important performance of the year.  Where other subjects have CST's or are covered by various exams, these festival performances give our students an opportunity to demonstrate the best of their abilities for feedback to top level local music teachers.  Please reserve these dates in your calendar now.  I will confirm all details as they become available in the coming months.