Sunday, March 18, 2012

3/19- 3/23

West Side Story opens this week!  You won't want to miss this one!  Friday & Saturday this week and next Wednesday to Saturday, all shows at 7:00 in the PAC.  Click here for ticket information.  Performers are reminded that their call this week Monday to Thursday is 6:30.  Call time for performances is 6:00.  This Saturday, we will host a dinner for all performers, including the pit, before the show at about 4:00 in the PAC.  Students will get more info at rehearsal this week.

Spring Fundraising is beginning to wrap up this week.  All brochure orders are due this week.  Also, students who have checked out boxes of candy bars should pay the $50 for those as soon as the items are sold.  If I am out of the office during the day- students should NOT give any money or paperwork to a sub!  I have fewer than 10 boxes of chocolate remaining, for those students who would like to participate.  Each box is 50 chocolate bars at $1 each and 50% profit to the program/ student.

Congratulations to the Jazz Band for a great performance Friday night with the West Valley College!  With so many performances recently, it will be nice to take a few weeks and focus on the joy of playing music for its own sake.  We'll pick back up after spring break, but in the mean time- some quality time to focus on fundamentals and the simple joy of music making.