Sunday, February 12, 2012


A BIG thank you to the families who helped with our Big Band Dance!  Thanks to Tanya Summers, Mary Jane & Percy Kanga, Katy Cooper, Suzanne Higa, Miriam Taher, Laura & Alfonso Carrillo and so many others who worked so hard to help produce this great evening.

Thanks also to Mrs Grimaud, Mrs Higa and Mr Carrillo for their help driving Jazz Band students to our gig downtown on Friday- we had a great time getting to perform for about 1,000 of the valley's major corporate, political, labor and educational leadership.

Tour 2012 is coming up quickly!  There is a MANDATORY meeting for all students and parents Monday at 7:30 in my room.  We'll have symphony perform first, then go over schedule and expectations and take questions.  Plan for this meeting to last about an hour.  Our meeting with chaperones will take place immediately following this meeting and last about 30 minutes.  (One long night is better than 2 nights out.)  All students should have turned in their Tour Permission & Medical form.  According to my list, Brian H, Jose M, Josefa M, Dylan M, Austin R, and David W need to turn in their forms!  These MUST be turned in to go with us on the trip!  Many students made money on the Big Band Dance, and I will pass out a final accounting so that families know their amount due and can make payment this week.

The first grading period of the semester is complete.  As of this posting, Orchestra, Beginning Band and Jazz Band grades are posted and final.  Wind Ensemble & Concert Band grades will be complete prior to our tour meeting Monday evening.  Many students have neglected to turn in their journals- this does count on the grade.  Also, when students miss their rehearsal points, they are able to make them up by practicing after school- 30 minutes of practicing counts for 1 excused absence.