Sunday, September 12, 2010

September 13-17

Let's get ready for football!  Pep Band (Concert Band, Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band) will be performing at Friday night's game.  Call time for students will be about 5:30-6:00 (I'll send out more info when it's set).  The game kicks off at 7 and usually goes till about 9-9:30.  The room will be open for students after school.  I know that this is a change of plans, and some families may have made arrangements which cannot be changed.  If this is the case, please email me ASAP so that I can excuse your student.  For the rest of the regularly scheduled games, the only excuse from football is a school required game or performance.  There is no excused absence from any of our 'formal' performances.  I'll be distributing music this week in flip folders, but students will need to purchase a lyre for their instrument.  These can be found at most music shops.  Student will need their PHS Band polo and/ hooded sweatshirt.  Students who ordered these must pay for them before I pass them out- $15/ polo and $25/ hoodie.  Checks should be made out to "Pioneer Music/ Drama Boosters."  Cash is also acceptable.  Please ask your student to keep all receipts!

Financial reminder- Several families have asked for clarifications about costs and donations.  There are several items for which I solicit donations.  I ask that all students who use a school instrument, including percussionists make a $50 Instrument Donation.  I also ask that all students in Concert Band, Wind Ensemble, Jazz Band and Orchestra make a $25 Festival donation.  This helps offset the cost of attendance and transportation at CMEA and other smaller music festivals (excluding our spring tour).  These are both donations, and while not required, your support is integral to the success of the program.  Then there are costs like performing attire.  The football polo ($15) and hooded sweatshirt ($25) are required and students who ordered them must pay for them this week.  Dresses for the girls will cost $60-$80 (pending final taxes and shipping).  Tuxedos will cost $120 ($125 w/ shoes).  All payments can be by cash or check (to "Pioneer Music/ Drama Boosters") and will get a receipt.  The only exception is the tux which will be paid directly to Selix Formalwear.  There will be several fundraising opportunities this year to help those with financial need.  If your family needs extra help, let me know so that we can develop a plan that works for your family.

This week wraps up the end of the first grading period.  Remember that student grades at this point are based on participation and written work.  There may also be one playing test grade entered, which will be in the performance category.  Jazz Band has completed scale tests, Wind Ensemble & Orchestra will complete scale tests this week and Beginning Band will be tested on line #12.  The key to success is to show up, be on task in rehearsal and do the listening.

At Back-to-School Night, I mentioned that we needed parent involvement with the Music/ Drama Boosters.  Our next meeting is October 14.  Many of you indicated interest, please send along your information to me so that I can contact you directly with important info.  Remember, we are looking for leaders and workers; people who can lead projects as well as those who are willing to work on various projects.  Note that I've put a boosters page on my blog to host information for anyone interested.  Please note the eScrip information as well- that is the easiest way you can help!