Letter #2

Hello Band & Orchestra Families,

The Band & Orchestra Benefit Concert is this Saturday! The ensembles continue to put the finishing touches on the music for our performance. Please take a moment to order your tickets right away. Your student earns a $5 account credit for tickets sold by Wednesday 2/6.

This year's raffle grand prize is a $500 Apple gift card! The second prize is a weekend night at the Mariott in San Francisco's Union Square. There are several other prizes that will be drawn for throughout the evening. Students earn 80% of the raffle proceeds they sell by Wednesday, 2/6. Tickets sell for $3 each or 4 for $10. Students are encouraged to buy tickets for themselves as well. Winners need not be present to win.

Our Silent Auction now features donations of items from over three dozen local companies including golf, food, entertainment, gift certificates to local merchants, hotels, wine packages and more! Be sure to bring your checkbook!

New this year are student and ensemble photo packages. In the back of the room, you'll find a display of photos and collages featuring students in each ensemble. You can order a custom photo package for minimal cost, and it will be delivered to your student shortly after the event. Orders must be placed at the event.

We have a great team of volunteers leading this event, but we need all families to help out. We ask each performer with a last name A-K to bring a dessert and L-Z to bring an appetizer to share. We will provide drinks and the ever popular chocolate fountain. Also, please consider signing up for a shift to help us with set up (Friday 4-6 or 6-8), helping with food or auction during the event, or helping with clean up after the concert is over. This is our most important fundraiser of the year, and it is only possible through the kindness of the families of our performers. You will be able to drop off your food starting at about 6:15 Saturday evening. Please note that food must be dropped off at the door on the cafeteria side of the PAC while the door for admission will be the door closer to the bathrooms. The audience will be allowed into the PAC a few minutes before 7:00.

Student call times are as follows-
Orchestra 6:30, dressed in performing attire, but bring a change of clothes
Wind Ensemble & Jazz Band, 6:45 dressed in street clothes but bring your performing attire
While students aren't on stage, they will have a great time in the gym with supervision and dance instruction provided by San Jose Dance Sport (on Hillsdale at Camden, across from Target). Students must attend from their call time until the program ends at 10. Students will also have one shift to work either for set up or clean up. Signups for these shifts will take place by seniority throughout the week. Shifts will begin Friday after school and go until 8 pm, again Saturday morning and then a clean up shift after the event.

See you Saturday!
Mr. McCoy

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