Monday, January 21, 2013

January 22-25

The Band & Orchestra Benefit Concert is fast approaching! On Friday, we'll be taking photos during each of the three classes and students need to have their performing attire. Orchestra students should come dressed in their dresses and tuxes and bring a change of clothes. Wind Ensemble & Jazz band students should bring their clothes to change into during class time. These photos will then be available for purchase at the concert. VIP and Reserved tables have already sold out, but there are plenty of individual tickets still available. Raffle ticket pre-sales also kicked off last Friday. Much more information is available in an email I sent to all participating students and parents. If you missed that, get the details here.

On Friday, I distributed account statements to students in Jazz Band, Wind Ensemble and Orchestra. There are still many students who have yet to pay for expenses from the first semester. It is imperative that you either pay for those costs, or use the fundraising opportunities for the Benefit Concert to help you. Remember, students earn $5 credit for each ticket and 80% of the raffle tickets sold in advance. Fundraising info for the Benefit Concert is on the Benefit Concert page.

I'm glad to see the number of students participating in our Spring Trip continues to increase. I am looking for several more chaperones though. If you are interested, please contact me or get more info on the Spring Trip page. There are a few families who paid the original deposit and still have an extra positive account balance. In this case (and this case only, since it was my mistake), I am happy to give you Benefit Concert tickets and raffle tickets up to the value that you over paid. There are only a few families in this situation, but if you'd like to take advantage of it, please email me so that I can set aside your admission and raffle tickets.

Because there was no school on Monday, rehearsal for Hello, Dolly pit orchestra is Wednesday. Students have asked for rehearsal to be moved to 6:30-9:30. This will be our rehearsal time until after the ski week break in February.